J'ai bien reçu le shakuhachi, il est magnifique! et quel son (quand j'arrive à en produire un 'bon')! Merci, je pouvais pas rêver mieux.
Thomas, 1.8 Ji-nashi 0324
In 2011, I had my only experience as a shakuhachi maker at the European Shakuhachi Society summer school in London. Under the guidance of Chiku Za (a.k.a. Kodama Hiroyuki) and José Vargas, I ended up with a nice 2.4. I enjoyed the sound very much. It was very dense in the middle frequencies, round and warm. The flute had some weaknesses. Some of the notes were not easy to play, and the flute was lacking a bit of power to my taste. Nine years later, the flute happened to crack and Jean-Luc proposed to me to deal with that. He also proposed to work a bit on the flute to improve the weakness mentioned above. It was however particularly important for me to keep the tonal characteristics of the flute. I did not want to sacrifice them for a bigger volume and for improved reactivity. Jean-Luc worked on the bore in a very subtle manner. He corrected a few points that allowed playing the notes that were not working before, improved the reactivity of the flute, and increased its volume. And above all while keeping the character of the flute, he succeeded to improve the control of the sound. More sound colors are now accessible which makes the flute much more interesting. I am very satisfied with his work.
2.4 repair and enhanced ,
Christophe Kazan Gaston, Shihan école Tozan
Hi Jean-luc...I keep the shakuhachi! I've been playing it every day since it has arrived - I love it! Thank you :-)
Sven , 1.8 Ji-ari renoved signed Germany
Hi Jean-Luc, , I received the shakuhachi this morning. Very quick and unexpected. It arrived in good contdition and I am happy, very happy with it. Because I only play 9 months, it is exciting how a new shaku plays. I can play the low register and I noticed that it is easy going in Kan-register. And I can do all the things I study on my 1.8. I like the sound and it must not be bigger for me, but I can manage to close the holes. Perhaps when I play it more, it will be easier. So, the right choice! And it gives a good sound when I play it very relaxed. It is nice to explore this instrument and let it reveal it’s heart. Thank you!
With warm regards,
Petra, 2.3 "pole" El Diablo left hand Nederland
Hi Jean-luc, The big bore D arrived intact, and it’s very nice! I like it a lot. Great to have that low a pitch. It plays great, the bamboo is beautiful, and I appreciate all the enhancements you’ve made to it. Plus it’s lighter in weight than I had anticipated. Thanks a lot! best regards
Darell 3.2 D low Goma Big bore USA
Bonsoir Jean -Luc, J'ai reçu le shakuhachi hier en parfait état. Il me plaît beaucoup, c'est un beau bambou. Pour jouer, il faudra que je m'entraîne un peu. J'arrive (à peine) à fermer tous les trous. Je dois surtout "chercher" les ro dans les différents octaves. Mais sinon, je suis très content du son et de l'intonation. La sonorité bas mais clair est très relaxant. Merci beaucoup et meilleures salutations
Rosaria , 2.7 pur Ji-nashi signed Suisse
I am extremely happy for my “new” shakuhachi you have done a great job!!!!
Sebastian , 1.8 ji-ari Signed full renoved Sweeden
J'ai bien reçu ton précieux envois et te remercie encore très chaleureusement pour les éléments que tu y a rajouté qui me seront également bien utile pour mes autres instruments comme l'écouvillon par exemple. Je parle beaucoup de ton travail à mes camarades de anches. merci pour ton excellent travail et la très belle personne que tu es ! ...pour l'instant j'ai déjà pas mal de boulot avec ces 3 clarinettes!
Stéphane, clarinettes avec bec de cla soprano modèles en sol et Do
Guadeloupe France
...Arrived the 1.4. It is played very easily, thank you from the heart, I wait for the other soon
...2.1 arrived , all perfect! thanks for all !
Doris, 1.4 Gomma and 2.1 Nigra ground level , Italie
...malgré ma condition de débutant et donc mon manque d'expérience, je ressens une très grande différence dans la sonorité plus chaude et puissante, la qualité de l'instrument ce fait ressentir d'emblée....
Erick 1.8 Early Showa renoved Ji-nashi
j'ai bien reçu le colis vendredi, sans soucis.Le shakuhachi est splendide, encore plus
une fois dans les mains. Le timbre riche en harmoniques est exactement ce que je recherchai,
seule adaptation à faire, utiliser l'auriculaire pour le troisième trou.Mais la prise en main est naturelle,
le placement des trous idéal, et je suis étonné pas la facilité de jeu. Bref, je suis ravi.
Merci de fabriquer de si beau ji-nashi, ici en France.
Jeremy 3.0 in E gomma Japonnais
shakuhachi "all valves are running", my fingers length enough, sound great!
It takes some time to get a deeper impression )
Thank you very much!Respectfully
Vaclovas 2.2 Bb Gomma Lithuanie
Bonjour,le shakuhachi est bien arrivé bce matin, il est superbe! merci pour les conseils. Pour un futur achat je passerai via votre site, je vous souhaite une bonne journée,
1.9 érable Japonais deux henkos rénové en C#
Super dealer.Zeer goede communicatie en prachtig instrument.Hartelijk bedankt.
Hans 2.7 Ji-nashi superior Pays bas
Cher Jean Luc,le Shakuhachi est arrivé et j,en suis très content.Ajustez encore pour y jouer mais les possibilités sont énormes Merci de vous rencontrer dans ma vie et soit prudent.Bonne santé pour votre famile. Cordialement,
Marwin 2.7 two part madaké Chnois supèrieur en Sol
Cher Jean-Luc,
Outre sa grande beauté esthétique, le son de ce 3.0 en mi est tout simplement envoûtant. Des basses riches, profondes qui t’enveloppent littéralement comme un vêtement tout en vibrant à l’intérieur de soi. Un kan et dai kan à la fois chaleureux et chargés de chaudes harmoniques. Merci de m’avoir fait découvrir ces nouvelles sensations.
3.05 goma Ground level Claude
Dear Jean-luc,
The flutes arrived safe and all in good condition. Since we are having our yoga Master here I haven’t had much chances to play both, but only the 2.0. It is a nice sounding flute. I like the Jinashi sound.
The long flute is long . But I keep trying to cover the holes and after time I’ll be able to play the bottom Ro. ...I have now a bit more time and keep playing your 2.0 flute. It is really nice, not screaming loud flute but nice and gently sweet sound. So again thank you very much for this instrument. I also managed to make some progress on th 3.1, able to cover the holes now and the Ro began to sound. this one though only a ground level sounds very nice and so well in tune! Hope you’re staying healthy and away from the corona virus.Om Shanti.
2.0 Ji-nashi supèrieur Madaké Japonnais , 3.1 Ground level black and white
New Zeland Swami
Cher Jean Luc, Ton instrument me procure un grand plaisir. Je ne voudrais pas revenir à un instrument de 1.8 de long. Pour l'instant, j'ai trouvé la bonne. La visite chez toi a été une expérience très enrichissante, pour diverses raisons: Pour moi, le Shakuhachi est un instrument de méditation, qui sonne aussi des sons, la musique est un beau cadeau. - Je voulais un instrument facile, pour reprendre le jeu de cet instrument que j'avais délaissé pendant 10 ans. Celui-ci est parfait : Je peux utiliser la motivation dont je dispose pour jouer régulièrement, tous les jours. - Ce n'est pas un instrument parfait- craqué/ligaturé-, donc vous lui avez donné un prix très abordable, mais pour moi, il est parfait, maintenant.
Merci beaucoup je reviendrais vers vous dans le futur pour choisir un autre instrument plus court.
2.6 goma ground level craqué/réparé
Suisse Alfred
Bonjour Jean-luc, la flûte est arrivée, elle est exactement comme vous me l'aviez décrite, belle, légère, fine.
C'est exactement ce que je recherchais, et mon passage de la traversière au shakuhachi semble bien se passer! merci pour vos conseils et la qualité de votre instrument
2.0 ji-nashi madaké Chinois supérieur
.... c’est du beau matos ! Je suis comblé ! quels magnifiques instruments, qui semblent être conçus avec beaucoup de tendresse, Encore merci!
2.5 goma big bore, 1.5 kyotaku, 2.0 burn, 1.8 rénové
Luxembourg , Erik
The flutes arrived in perfect condition
and I love it! Thank you Friendly regards from your fan in Sweden!
2.1 in B and 2.9 in F french madake superior model
Sweden Gustav
I received the shak in good shape. Wonderful instrument ! Very subtle sound it produces ....
A very solid bamboo ! I like your shak very much ! I Thanks I like its raw style.
2.3 in Bb roots-end, 2.9 in Fa # burn french bamboo 6 bound superior ji-nashi
Honk-kong China Sammy
Lo strumento è molto bello e praticamente suona da solo. Ora io mi devo solo esercitare molto con questo splendido shakuhachi
2.4 in A Chinese superior Ji -nashi
Italy Simone,
Hi, I received the flute today, very nice, and with good sound, maybe later I'll buy you another one, thank you very much !!
Spain, Angel 2.7 in G pole
" Good instrument, nice sound and easy to play"
3.0 in Fa pole blue insert
Suède Swen
many thanks great flute realy good tuning. fur sure the sound is not like a 100 years dryed japanese bamboo.
but realy nice . it is a great plesure to play whit it.many thank regrads
Chromatic shakuhachi in C
Hongrie Mario
I own until now 4 wide bore jinashi made by Jean -Luc 3.4, 3.15 , 2.1, 2.65 i recently recieved 2 of them.all of them are exceptional players and easy high octave flutes even thow some are really thick 5-5,5cm he can give life to high octave notes . I have also flutes from Japanese makers . Jean-Luc flutes are some of my favourites with earth style easy sound , nice weight, easy tsu meri tsunotsumeri ,ninoha gonoha ,san no u , tsi ru tsi hi patterns and great tuning .i recommend his work to all players and funs. Great maker with great future in shakuhachi making!!!!! ....
I got it! Its great !!! Easy!!! nice tuning!! thank youuuu!! I have to get used to it cause i have a 3.4 ( 7 cm wide) that my chin enters the tube and makes it easier to reach ,2 holes so i have to relax and blow it!!! I love your work!!
... this lefty one deserves hanko!!! Very balanced reminds of Taimu and Neptune . But it's original Jean-luc Peilhon style !!!!!
i can' t stop blowing it!!! When you decide hanko and we meet we can add it!!!
2.1, 2.5, 3.1, 3.4 for left player all roots- end French Gomma
Greece Dimitris
I received the shakuhachi yesterday in the morning in perfect condition and spent a few hours testing it.
Great sound, i like it a lot !
Avelino Spain, 2.7 supérieur en Sol